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Return Policy

Return, Replacement & Cancellation Policy

Buyers are requested to contact the sellers prior to placing the orders online to verify the product specification, expiry date and the stock status. It is best to have a written confirmation from the seller that will help in resolving any future disputes. 


Buyer's Product related complaint for refund or replacement will be processed in accordance with the below terms and condition. Both Buyer and Seller agree to these terms. However, in the event of false, frivolous or baseless complaints regarding the delivery or quality of the Products, the Buyer will not be eligible for refund or replacement.



1.     Before accepting delivery of any Product, the Buyer shall reasonably ensure that the Product's packaging is not damaged or tampered.

2.     The return process of a Product may be subject to additional terms depending on the nature and category of the Product. Any such additional terms may be specified on the Website or be intimated by the Seller at the time of purchase of the Product.

3.     In the event the return of a Product is duly accepted by Seller, the value of such Product, as originally paid by Buyer during acceptance of Product, will either be refunded to Buyer either to the bank account provided by the Buyer for such refund, or to the payment instrument of the Buyer from which payment was made, or to any pre-paid payment instrument account of the Buyer. Chargen Life Sciences LLP shall have the sole discretion to determine the mode of reversal from the above options.

4.     Incase the buyer purchases any services from a seller (like analytical testing/synthesis/sequencing services) then this policy is not applicable. The buyer will have to negotiate directly with the seller for any claims/disputes.

5.     Incase the buyer pruchases any products offline from the seller, then this return policy is not applicable and further biomall is not responsible or liable for any claim/damages etc. The buyer will have to negotiate directly with the seller for any claims/disputes.


What is covered in the return policy?

  • Items not received
  • Items that are physically damaged/defective
  • Items that vary from the description/specification
  • Wrong item delivered
  • Wrong quantity
  • Missing parts/accessories

·       Expired Product


By when can items be returned?

·       Incase, the buyer receives the product in “Damaged”, “Defective” or any condition as mentioned above, then they can conveniently place a return request within 7 days after you've received an order.

·       In certain extreme cases, the buyer can return the product in 15 days if the quality or performance of the product as used by the end customer significantly differs from the technical data sheet accompanied with the product. However, enough data/proof needs to be submitted for us to arrive at a decision.


What is the return process?

·       To return a product, you can email us at returns@biomall.in or call at our helpline number - +91 22-26191117. Please provide us with the following details while placing the return request.

§  Order ID

§  Reason for returning the item

§  Images clearly showing a damage / missing product in the order

§  Any other proof that will help us in making a decision regarding your request

·       Post receiving your request, Biomall Team will confirm the return request and will inform you about the return process. It is advised that the items to be returned packets are adequately packaged. The final decision of the request will lie with Biomall and cannot be contested.

·       Please ensure that the product is in unused and in original condition, with the seal unbroken and includes everything from the package e.g. price tags, labels, original packing, invoice and other items

·       Once your return request is accepted by Biomall, the entire refund amount will be reversed back to you through NEFT/RTGS within 7-10 working days


Can you replace the product?

·       Replacements will depend on the availability of the item

·       Replacement process will begin after receiving the returned product

·       In case the replacement item is out of stock, we will refund your amount

Can I cancel the order?

You can cancel the order anytime before it gets dispatched. To cancel the order, you will need to email us at cancel@biomall.in stating the order ID. After your request, it will take us a maximum of 1-2 business days to cancel the order. The same will be notified to you by email. Your entire order amount will be refunded through NEFT/RTGS within 7-10 working days